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Guys sorry not been around for a couple off days, but online the other night when I see my motorhome pull off my drive way, 3 guys got passed a pat3 alarm system and immobiliser, plus a tracking system. I called the police and told them it had a tracking system which they then gave me a number to call which I phoned and was told they were already tracking it. 27 minutes later police had caught all 3 and recovered my mobile home which not much damaged had been done. apart from them taking out the alarm and tracking system. what they didn't know was there was 2 trackers fitted. so I have my motorhome back, well not yet, police still have it locked up (but it is safe.) But the fxxxers still got me good, because what I didn't think about doing was checking my garage which was all locked up still, looked nice and safe. yesterday afternoon opened up my garage door to find that all my tools and my wifes car had been taken. police thinks it the same guys but until they find the car they can't pin it on them. the car they took was a red Audi TT coupe. And the tools were all cordless and worth around 12K. Im feeling very low and sick but not as much as my wife as I brought the audi for her on our 20th wedding anniversary.
I couldn't care about the tools or the motorhome but the car means a lot to my wife. if anyone knows the where abouts or heres any thing please let me know. registration plate is or was O62TAF. cheers catch you laters. :cry: :evil:
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Sorry to hear about your loss(es).........what state is the car registered in?
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Best of luck to you Hudson , hopefully everything will be recovered!
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the car is registered in oxford, uk pappy.
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Hudson very sorry to hear your story. Tell your wife Hello from Russia. Let's not worried - the car will find. Unfortunately there is nothing more I can help
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Suks bad Hudson...

Good thing the cops got em. I hope they will be punished.. here in the Netherlands criminals hardly get any.

Good luck! And try to keep thinking positive, not all people are bad :yahoo:
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sorry to hear that hudson,

hope your wife gets the car back mate :/

good luck!
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wow that sucks big time! hopefully they fined it all.
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quick update. police came round tonight , they have found the car, which the police let us see photo's which don't seem to be any damage. they have now arrested 7 people in total. which the police have told us it is related. they all go to court on the 14th of august. 3 have been released on bail and the other 4 have been kept in on remand. now this has happened we have decided to sell both the motorhome and the car once we get them back. and I will buy my wife a new car. We was all so told one off the men was carrying a shot gun. so I am glad no one was hurt as metal can be replaced, a life can't.
I just hope they get what they deserve.
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Glad you got your stuff back and that no one was hurt mate!!

And the moral of this story is: Don't mess with HUDSON!!!

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